Speech Sample #1

Duration: 4 minutes (total; in two parts)

Word Count(Approximate): 500

Theme: COVID WIT video, how Clubs are supporting youth/families during COVID, and the role of Clubs in supporting racial justice

Thank you, Fred and Gee! Hi everybody, I’m Laurie Black, President & CEO of Boys & Girls Clubs of King County. Thanks for joining us for this Virtual Kids’ Auction!

Tonight, we are celebrating the creativity in our Clubs and community. Everyone came together to do everything possible for our Club kids this year, and I am so grateful. With your help, Club youth are staying on track with their school work and in reaching their highest potential.

[Laurie highlights 1-2 organizational achievements of her choice]

Our team is committed to serving all youth and families that need our programs, especially now. As of September 30, 800 kids from 240 different schools attended 24 of our Clubs a day. We expect that number to continue growing as long as schools are conducting remote learning. 

And now, I’m excited to share a short video about how we continue to adapt our programs to meet the needs of families during COVID-19.  


I hope you enjoyed the video as much as I did! All of our Club team members inspire me. Their passion and commitment to supporting kids and families is contagious.


Unfortunately, COVID-19 is only one of several challenges our country is confronting.  Combatting racism is another, and one that’s imperative to our own commitment to safety and inclusion for our team members, our youth, and our community.

We condemn any act of racism or discrimination. We stand for safety, health, dignity, and equitable opportunity. We advocate for youth and encourage young people to harness the power of their voices.

As a community-based organization, we are actively listening to leaders of color and learning. We are acting in support of work focused on race, equity, and social justice. We believe that it is only through a collective effort that we can create an equitable and accessible future for all. We will continue to provide equitable, inclusive experiences to all young people. We are advocates, and we are allies.

“Whatever It Takes” isn’t just a motto for us. It’s an actionable commitment to our youth, our families, and our community. It’s also why we need your support tonight.

Together, we can reach and serve more youth in the greater Seattle area. Our donors, sponsors, and other supporters are unwavering in their generosity. Now more than ever, we need our advocates, donors, and champions like you to join us.

I ask you to believe with me that we will prevail. I ask you to remain discontent with the health and welfare of our lives and its “new normal.” I ask you to embrace an inclusive, accepting, and supportive reality with me.  

By doing so, we can all give young people the most precious legacy there is: great futures.

Thank you for your partnership and generosity tonight.