Donor Engagement Concept Initiatives Sample


Collect material donor contact information.

  • Phase 1: Create a printed piece to drive material donors to our online newsletter sign-up page.
  • Phase 2: Develop special incentives and opportunities
  • Phase 1: Create a printed piece tax receipt similar to the current design (launched in 2014) with passive messaging to sign up for Goodwill newsletters
  • Create new auto-response welcome emails for new sign-ups. Include the success story right as part of a confirmation thank you. 
  • Create a special email sign-up page with content thanking people for donating. Page visits are trackable to determine the effectiveness of the print piece.

Launch Communication Support

  • Email sample for Donations Manager to communicate to donations staff
  • Opt-in and Retention policies for material donor sign-ups
  • Phase 2: Develop incentive(s) for signing up for the newsletters
    • Consider donor satisfaction survey