Marketing Overview: Ending homelessness

  1. Baseline: click-through rates; the number of new unique visitors; the number of hits on the resource splash page, click through rates from landing page to resource splash page
  2. Baseline: Number of lunch and learns requested on ending homelessness
  3. Number of media inquiries
  4. Number of strategic media hits specifically relating to expertise on the subject (e.g., op/eds, features, interviews)
  5. Increase the number of speaking engage
    1. WPG presentations in 2007: VM 9; LM 3; PK 3.
    2. Baseline: off-campaign speaking engagements (align with Homelessness teams’ logic model). 
  1. Create easy access to key resource materials on the website for audiences beyond donors (e.g., media, county and city governments, other partners, etc.).
  2. Conduct and highlight original research in key marcom and PR materials.
  3. Identify opportunities for Vince and other OOR team members to be seen and heard by more audiences outside WPG campaigns.
  4. Work with the Communications Manager to identify tactics to increase strategic speaking opportunities for WPG campaigns and other types of targeted engagements (e.g., Chambers of Commerce, etc.).