Alexis de Tocqueville Society Cultivation Event
Single net:
A child’s earliest days and years has enormous influence. Supporting children and families during these early years positively affects the rest of their lives. I feel good about investing in United Way of King County because it is an expert in, and at the forefront of early learning to ensure that more children have a better chance of succeeding in school and life.
Talking points:
- Introductions and thank group for being there.
- There’s a lot of talk about the importance of early learning and its correlation with school readiness these days.
- The Governor has convened the Task Force on Early Learning.
- Both public and private organizations are supporting efforts to ensure all kids are ready to succeed when entering school.
- And whether you have young children or know someone who does, it’s no secret to any of us how daunting raising a child can be.
- This is one of the many reasons United Way of King County is on the forefront of championing school readiness as paramount to ensuring a stronger, healthier community.
- But before we highlight some of the accomplishments United Way is achieving around early learning, we’d like to share a personal story with you about our grandchild.
- Share personal story.
- Even as veteran parents, and now grandparents, we are dealing with some of the same issues faced by parents everywhere.
- United Way of King County is investing in programs that help thousands of children and families with early learning.
- One-third of students in our community don’t graduate from high school on time.
- At least the same number enter kindergarten unprepared.
- We know that children who start behind in school usually stay behind – and some never catch up.
- That’s why United Way is focused on three strategies that will make a real impact for all of our community’s children.
- With nearly half of all King County children ages birth to five in regularly scheduled child care, we’re committed to making their experience the best possible.
- We’re increasing the availability of accredited child care centers for children of families of all income levels – with particular emphasis on low-income families.
- Children in centers that have earned and maintained national accreditation receive the highest quality of child care possible, increasing their early learning opportunities.
- We’re increasing the availability of accredited child care centers for children of families of all income levels – with particular emphasis on low-income families.
- With nearly half of all King County children ages birth to five in regularly scheduled child care, we’re committed to making their experience the best possible.
- We’re advocating for public policy that supports parents in their nurturing role.
- United Way of King County was integral in ensuring that the Governor’s early learning plan included vital support for parents.
- And we supported the creation of the Washington State Department of Early Learning.
- We’ve also placed a stake in the ground this year to promote and increase volunteerism around early learning
- This includes recruiting volunteer readers for child care and preschool programs.
- We know that the simple act of reading to a child for as little as 20 minutes a day can have a profound impact.
- This includes recruiting volunteer readers for child care and preschool programs.
- You may have already seen the growth chart that we’re making available at United Way company campaigns.
- We expect to distribute it to over 15,000 people throughout the county.
- It’s one way to help spread the message about how we can nurture children. .
- Please take one with you tonight.
- We hope that you will join us in our support of United Way’s early learning efforts.
- Together we can change our community in fundamental, lasting ways.
- Thank you.